About HandyDay
HandyDay's platform was launched in 2021 and has since streamlined the procurement process, facilitated secure decision-making, and enabled business transactions in new ways within the construction and real estate industries.
The platform is independent and utilized by construction companies, real estate firms, subcontractors, and more to simplify time-consuming procurement tasks, ease supplier selection, and reduce overall costs in construction projects.
With the platform, you gain full control over the entire tender process, eliminating the need for time-consuming administration. Having everything centralized creates order and clarity, providing a clear overview and facilitating swift handovers. In HandyDay, you can easily access vital information needed to evaluate both new and existing suppliers. You gain access to credit information, payment remarks, collective agreements, and more, providing you with a secure decision-making foundation.
With HandyDay, you become an efficient digital procurement team rather than working manually, individually, and in isolation.